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I am by no means an expert at anything. Such a claim is hard for anyone to make. As a programmer I’m constantly reminded that I don’t know everything, because I’m constantly learning something new, or even just seeing something old in a new way. I’ve started this blog to share those things that I have learned. Nothing here may be profound, never done before, or groundbreaking stuff.  But, the new culture is a culture of sharing, and hopefully something here is worth sharing.


Other places to stalk me if you feel so inclined.



Sorry no YouTube, i haven’t felt the need to subject the world to that torture… yet.

No Twitter either. Im not that social.

“Savoir-Faire is everywhere!”

2 thoughts on “About”

  1. Hello Kratz, I saw your post on . I have a very unique nesting problem that I’m seeking help with. It involves irregular shapes, rotated in any manner, with a requirement for some objects to be near one side of the “bin,” and the ability to move objects into the “bin” without ever touching another object (or the “bin”). Would you be willing to talk, as something you could possibly help with?

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